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(707) 944-2999

7554 St Helena Hwy
Napa, CA 94558

Illustration of two trees by a riverbend with a bird in flight and a heron standing on the riverbank, set against a sunrise background.

In 2014, Tom Gamble purchased this 34-acre property with 20 acres of vineyard, some planted as early as the 1970s. Named after Tom’s mother Mary Ann McGuire, the vineyard reflects her refined elegance and steadfast resolve in the face of challenging conditions. The climate on Mount Veeder is cooler than Napa Valley’s floor due to its elevation. The area experiences significant temperature swing between day and night, preserving acidity in the grapes.

Mary Ann

20 acres
1,900 feet
Years Planted
Varied, including volcanic, sedimentary, gravelly loam and clay loam
“Philippe Melka and I share a philosophy of letting the vineyard lead. It’s a collaboration rooted in respect for each site’s unique expression.”
— Tom Gamble, Founder and Vigneron
