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(707) 944-2999

7554 St Helena Hwy
Napa, CA 94558

Illustration of two trees by a riverbend with a bird in flight and a heron standing on the riverbank, set against a sunrise background.

Gamble Estates farms two distinct Oakville vineyards. Family Home vineyard, where founder Tom Gamble was raised, produces wines with concentration and structure. Just a mile away, the Winery Estate vineyard surrounds the winery and yields wines with refined finesse. Though only separated by a river, these vineyards offer diverse soils, elevations, and exposures.

Family Home

3.7 acres
Years Planted
Young volcanic with rough, softball-sized stones

Winery Estate

13 acres
Years Planted
Clay loam with an underlayer of volcanic rock
“Rocky soils have a different character than clay soils. Every vineyard block has its own voice, and our job is to let it sing.”
— Tom Gamble, Founder and Vigneron
